I did chinese scrapping...AKA GUA SHA
OMGoosshhh, i had been really sick recently...from chinese medicalogy (this word exist?) my body is said to be "heat" type, that mean i m easy to get dizzy and headache when i am out under the sun too long. And i found that GUA SHA actually works for me...after doing the Gua Sha, i felt so much better right away. Usually i only do the scrapping at the back of my body...but this thing - the Sha ( bruised-like spots) gets in every where of my body...from my neck, my shoulder to the chest...You just see it from my pictures...its everywhere...it still not clear up yet...i had to wait another few days to have the sha all clear up so that i can wear my tank top again....it aint fun...it sores like hell..i had a hard looking at the picture myself... So brutal!! Gaaaaaahhh!!! I hate it when i m so easy to get sick and had to get through this all the time...my body sux...cry~
sorry if the pictures make you says ewwwwwwwwwwww....
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