Sunday, November 8, 2009


Its hard to believe a gal like me still single at the age of 31, well i m not pretty but at least i am presentable right?? I think i m kinda
cute - I wear cute clothes???
Naive - i believe whatever the person said, eventhough its a joke, does that counts??
sexy - i just happened to have a sexy curve, not a boney type of gal
educated - i went to collegeeeeeeee
responsible - I take responsiblity seriously, you can alway counts on me!!!
But why i still single?? I guess i m just a little freaky, i just need to find a man that make me real comfortable, i want to stay in my comfort zone that i can show the world who i really am. I always in the relationship but it just hard to stay in the relationship when someone dont completely understand you, maybe i always felt in love so fast and happened in a quickie way that both of us can hardly get to know each other and when we had an arguement, the relationship just scattered apart. I guess i just need to make no rush into a relationship and find someone who can accept me as the way i am. I tend to be believe that every single person need another half to complete them, sooooooooo it just a matter of time, when it's the time... it's come... haha.....Kusooooo to my positive spirit!!!

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